
Earth Smart Products

When it comes to defining a United product's “greenness,” there is nothing better than our set of Earth Smart® standards.


Since being founded in 1964, United Laboratories has always sought better, safer chemical technologies.

When the world thought it couldn't live without chlorinated solvents in the seventies, United developed the Solar Solvent line, citrus-based solvents derived from renewable resources that were far less hazardous to users and the environment.

In the 1980s when butyl was the king of degreasers, United began formulating using naturally occurring enzymes and bacteria. Ultimately, enzymes and later bacteria, became the industry standards for many degreasing, drain maintenance and wastewater applications.

In 1992, when supposed “environmentally friendly” chemical products were starting to be marketed under a shroud of green, United called the industry out by defining its products according to definable, unwavering Earth Smart® standards.

In the early nineties, United developed Harvest Gold, the world's first Earth Smart® solvent line, developed from renewable agricultural products.

As we welcomed in the new millennium, we sped up the innovation wheel with the development of several Earth Smart ® chemical lines that still remain unmatched in the industry:

  • ESA, the world's first Earth Smart® Acid line
  • SMART SOLVE®, a VOC-Free, all-natural solvent line
  • DEVOUR POWER, a highly effective gram-negative bacteria product line

Dating back to the beginning, there's a slew of industry leading, “green” innovations developed by United. And, we've been doing it since before it was the trendy thing to do.

“Why?” you ask. Because it's the responsible thing to do. And at United Laboratories, Responsible Innovation™ is in our Nature.

Setting The Green Standard Since 1992


When it comes to defining a United product's “greenness,” there is nothing better than our set of Earth Smart® standards. There's no grey area here and there's certainly no greenwashing. A product either meets the standards—and thus is classified as Earth Smart®—or it doesn't. It's been that way since 1992.

Today, for a United product to be classified as Earth Smart® it must meet at least 10 of the 12 Earth Smart® standards:

  • Must Have Only Zeros Or Ones On HMIS® III Numbers
  • Must Contain No Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)
  • Must Contain No Hazardous Components
  • Must Contain No Nonylphenol Ethoxylates (NPEs)
  • Must Contain No Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS)
  • Must Contain No SARA Section 313 Reportable Ingredients
  • Must Contain No Phosphates
  • Must Contain No Heavy Metals
  • Must Contain No Chlorine
  • Must Contain No Phthalates (PVC)
  • Must Be Packaged In Environmentally Responsible Packaging
  • Must be certified as “Green” by a recognized third-party agency according to the standards of that agency

Some of our most popular Earth Smart products:

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